Basic configuration
This Guideline explains how to configure Yeti to route your first test call.
In this Chapter we’ll configure Yeti for receiving calls on IP address (any port, UDP) and switching them (in case if B-number starts from 380) to the Gateway with IP address
graph LR gw1[Customer gw</br> IP] gw2[Vendor gw</br>IP] yeti[Yeti SBC] gw1 -->|Call to 380662296132| yeti yeti -->|Call to 380662296132| gw2 gw1 -->|Cashflow</br>rate $1.5/minute| yeti yeti -->|Cashflow</br>rate $1.0/minute| gw2
1. Creation of Contractors
At the first step it is necessary to configure two Contractors: one with type Customer and second with type Vendor. Both contractors should be Enabled.
Object to create |
Attributes |
Contractor |
Contractor |
2. Creation of Accounts
At the second step it is necessary to configure two Accounts: one will be linked to Contractor A (Customer) and second will be linked to Contractor B (Vendor). You should also set Max balance parameter for the Vendor to the some value that allow to make a call (current balance will be less than Max balance value). In our example we’ll set 100 monetary units.
Object to create |
Attributes |
Account |
Account |
3. Creation of Gateways
At the third step it is necessary to configure two Gateways: one will be linked to Contractor A (Customer) and second will be linked to Contractor B (Vendor). Both records should be Enabled. It is also important to allow origination at the Gateway A and termination to the Gateway B.
Object to create |
Attributes |
Gateway |
Gateway |
4. Creation of Routing plan, Routing group and Dialpeer
At the fourth step it is necessary to configure:
at least one Routing Group;
at least one Routing Plan that is associated with Routing Group above;
at least one Dialpeer that should be associated with Routing Group, Vendor, Vendor’s Account and Vendor’s Gateway that were configured above. In our example we use 380 (international code of Ukraine) as Prefix and we’ll pay one monetary unit per minute to the Vendor after the initial interval (by default - 1 second) and 2 monetary units during initial interval. This Dialpeer will be used as a route for all traffic to Ukrainian numbers;
Object to create |
Attributes |
Routing Group |
Routing Plan |
Dialpeer |
5. Creation of Rateplan and Destination
At the fifth step it is necessary to configure:
at least one Rateplan;
at least one Rate Group;
at least one Destination that should be associated with with Rate Group above. In our example we also use 380 (international code of Ukraine) as Prefix and we’ll receive 1.5 monetary units per minute from Customer after the initial interval and 3 monetary units during initial interval. So, in case of call with ten minutes length the profit will be (3-2)+(10-1)*(1.5-1) = 5.5 monetary units (16.5 will be received from the Customer and 11 will be paid to the Vendor);
Object to create |
Attributes |
Rate Group |
Rateplan |
Destination |
6. Creation of Customer Auth
At the sixth step it is necessary to configure at least one Customers Auth that should be associated with Customer, Customer’s Account and Customer’s Gateway, Rateplan and Routing Group that were configured above.
Object to create |
Attributes |
CustomerAuth |
7. Test the call
At the last step it is necessary to create some Payment for topping up the balance of Account A and test the call (Customer’s balance should be greater than Min balance value).
Object to create |
Attributes |
Payment |
For the call testing it is necessary to fill Routing Simulation form and to press Simulate routing button.
Field name
Remote ip
Remote port
Src number
Dst number
As a result two records will be shown, where the first record is an actual record of Call Profile that will be send to the Yeti/SEMS node for making call. Full log of call processing also will be shown under the resulting records.
If you don’t see necessary results, please, make sure that you enter everything correctly.