Contractor is a company which will interact with the system.
Contractor may act as Customer - Use provided call termination service and Vendor - Provide call termination service. Same contractor can be either customer and vendor.
- Id
Unique contractor id.
- Name
Unique contractor name.
- Enabled
Self-descriptive. If flag is off (contractor disabled) this contractor will not be used for routing and billing.
- Vendor
If enabled contractor can act as vendor and system may terminate calls to it.
- Customer
If enabled contractor can act as customer and originate calls to the system.
- Description
Optional description of the contractor.
- Address
Optional contractor address.
- Phones
List of phone numbers to contact with contractor.
- Smtp Connection
SMTP Connection which will be used for email sending to this contractor. If empty - Global SMTP connection will be used
Fields Description, Address, Phones are informational and not used in routing or billing logic.