Databases Maintenance
Yeti switch using two postgresql databases to store routing data and CDRs. This document describes some maintenance procedures.
Performance tuning
By default PostgreSQL RDBMS configured to consume minimal system resources. This approach allows PostgreSQL to start on any server after installation. YETI as well as any other system uses PostgreSQL requires changing default configuration in order to archive best performance.
We recommends to change next configuration variables at /etc/postgresql/16/yeti/postgresql.conf
shared_buffers = 10GB
work_mem = 8MB
fsync = on
checkpoint_timeout = 50min
Set shared_buffers variable to 1/3 of total RAM installed to server if you share this server with some another application. For example we recommends install yeti-web on same server as routing database. If your server is dedicated for PostgreSQL set shared_buffers to 2/3 of your RAM.
When configuration changed you should restart your PostgreSQL instance using service postgresql restart
See also
Read PostgreSQL manual to understand RDBMS architecture and features
Dump and Restore
See for details
To get know your cluster epoch, connect to database using psql and run:
cdr=# SELECT (txid_current() >> 32) as epoch;
(1 row)
To change PostgreSQL cluster epoch - shutdown cluster and use pg_resetwal tool:
# su - postgres
$ /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_resetwal -e 1 /var/lib/postgresql/16/cdr
Where 1 is new epoch - it should be greater then epoch of old instance