Headers transit

By default Yeti are not relaying any headers from one call leg to another. Headers transit mechanism allows to configure such relaying.

After the routing, YETI performs filtering twice: for the origination Gateway and for the termination Gateway. Gateway’s parameter Transit headers from origination describes the transfer of headers from LegA to LegB, the parameter Transit headers from termination - from LegB to LegA.

For example, an incoming call arrives via the Gateway orig_gw and terminates via the Gateway term_gw with the corresponding settings.

  • Transit headers from origination= X-TEST-H, X-YETI*

  • Transit headers from termination= X-YETI-AUTH-11

  • Transit headers from origination= X-TEST-H

  • Transit headers from termination= X-YETI-AUTH*

Then in case of receiving INVITE from orig_gw with such headers:

X-TEST-H: 123
X-TEST-H2: 000
X-YETI-H1: 321

It will be filtered sequentially twice (with the filter X-TEST-H, X-YETI* and X-TEST-H) and, after filtering, INVITE will be formed to the term_gw with such headers:

X-TEST-H: 123
        graph LR
    gw1[Call originator]
    gw2[Termination provider]

    gw1 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>legA initial INVITE with headers<br>X-TEST-H: 123<br>X-TEST-H2: 000<br>X-YETI-H1: 321<br>X-YETI-AUTH-HEADER: 333</p>| sip-session1

    sip-session1 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>X-TEST-H: 123<br>X-YETI-H1: 321<br>X-YETI-AUTH-HEADER: 333</p>| sip-session2

    sip-session2 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>legB SIP initial INVITE<br>X-TEST-H: 123</p>| gw2

    subgraph yeti[Yeti SBC]
        sip-session1[Origination gateway<br>**Transit headers from origination** = X-TEST-H, X-YETI*]
        sip-session2[Termination gateway<br>**Transit headers from origination** = X-TEST-H]

Thus, in case if from term_gw will be received 200OK message with headers:

X-YETI-AUTH-324: 333
X-YETI-AUTH-11: 11

The headers will be filtered twice (by the filter X-YETI-AUTH*, and then by the X-YETI-AUTH-11 filter) and after filtering, a 200OK message will be generated to orig_gw with the following headers:

X-YETI-AUTH-11: 11
        graph RL
    gw1[Call originator]
    gw2[Termination provider]

    gw2 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>legB 200ok with headers<br>X-YETI-AUTH-324: 333<br>X-YETI-AUTH-11: 11<br>X-YETI-TEST: 333</p>| sip-session2

    sip-session2 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>X-YETI-AUTH-324: 333<br>X-YETI-AUTH-11: 11</p>| sip-session1

    sip-session1 -->|<p style='text-align:left'>legA 200ok with headers<br>X-YETI-AUTH-11: 11</p>| gw1

    subgraph yeti[Yeti SBC]
        sip-session1[Origination gateway<br>**Transit headers from termination** = X-YETI-AUTH-11]
        sip-session2[Termination gateway<br>**Transit headers from termination** = X-YETI-AUTH*]