Gateway object defines SIP and RTP stacks behavior for interaction with remote systems. Gateway that defines LegA behavior called origination gateway. Gateway that defines LegB behavior called termination gateway.
graph LR gw1[Call originator] gw2[Termination provider] gw1 -->|legA SIP initial INVITE| sip-session1 sip-session2 -->|legB SIP initial INVITE| gw2 gw1 <-->|RTP| media-session1 media-session2 <-->|RTP| gw2 sip-session1 <--> sip-session2 media-session1 <--> media-session2 subgraph yeti[Yeti SBC] subgraph gw1-conf[Origination gateway] sip-session1 media-session1 end subgraph gw2-conf[Termination gateway] sip-session2 media-session2 end end
For configure gateway it is necessary to configure Contractor’s record. Also it is necessary to choose some Codec group.
General attributes
- Id
Unique gateway id.
- Name
Friendly name of gateway.
- External
ID of Gateway that was initialized via API by external system. It used for associating internal unique Gateway ID with its ID on external system.
- Enabled
Disabled gateways will be ignored.
- Contractor
Gateway’s owner.
- Priority
Gateway priority in the gateway group. In case of termination to the group, gateways will be arranged according to this priority. If few gateways have same priority, calls will be balanced between them.
- Weight
Value of this field (numeric) is used during randomized making decision about Gateway that will be used for routing the call in case of selecting Gateway group that contains two or more Gateways with same Priority. Probability to choose the Gateway is bigger for routes where Weight value is bigger.
During routing algorithm Dialpeer that is associated with Gateway group A was selected. At same time Gateway group A contains four Gateway’s records:
Gateway 1 (Priority 100, Weight 0);
Gateway 2 (Priority 101, Weight 40);
Gateway 3 (Priority 101, Weight 50);
Gateway 4 (Priority 101, Weight 10).
The algorithm of sorting Gateways (within selected Dialpeer) for terminating the call will consist from the following steps:
With using generator of random numbers the first Gateway will be selected from the Gateways with same (biggest) priorities. Because Gateway 2, Gateway 3 and Gateway 4 have biggest priority (101) they will be used for choosing three first possible termination Gateways. For example: the probability of choosing Gateway 3 is 50% (via relation of weight value for the Gateway 2 to the sum of weights of all Gateways with same priorities (50/(40+50+10)*100% = 50%)); the probability of choosing Gateway 2 is 40%; and the probability of choosing Gateway 4 is 10%.
In case of choosing (by generator of random numbers) Gateway 3 it will be put on the top of rating for the selected Dialpeer. The second Gateway will be chosen between Gateway 2 or Gateway 4. During this choosing probabilities will be recalculated without already chosen Gateway. For example: the probability of choosing Gateway 2 is 80% (via relation of weight value for the Gateway 2 to the sum of weights of all rest Gateways with same priorities (40/(40+10)*100% = 80%)); the probability of choosing Gateway 4 is 20%.
In case of choosing (by generator of random numbers) Gateway 2 this Gateway will be put on the second place of rating (for the selected Dialpeer) and Gateway 4 will be put on the third place of rating.
On the last (fourth) place of rating will be Gateway 1 because it has lowest priority 100.
The final view of Gateway’s rating in our example could be following:
Gateway 3
Gateway 2
Gateway 4
Gateway 1
- Pop
Point of Presence of the gateway. Allows forcing prioritization based on gateway location depending on Balancing mode chosen for gateway group.
- Allow origination
Specifies if gateway allowed to originate calls.
- Allow termination
Specifies if gateway allowed to accept calls from YETI.
- Origination capacity
Concurrent calls limit for this gateway when it acts as origination gateway.
When Origination gateway capacity/CPS overloaded system will reject call. CDR will be saved.
- Termination capacity
Concurrent calls limit for this gateway when it acts as termination gateway.
- Termination subscriber capacity
How many concurrent calls allowed to single destination number via this gateway.
- Termination CPS limit
How many new calls allowed within Termination CPS wsize interval via this gateway.
- Termination CPS wsize
Window size for Termination CPS limit in seconds.
- Termination subscriber CPS limit
How many new calls allowed within Termination subscriber CPS wsize time interval via this gateway to single destination number.
- Termination subscriber CPS wsize
Window size for Termination subscriber CPS limit in seconds.
When termination gateway capacity/CPS overloaded system will try to reroute call to other routes if possible.
Termination subscriber capacity, Termination CPS limit, Termination subscriber CPS limit are experimental features and not enabled by default.
- Acd limit
ACD threshold. If ACD for gateway traffic is below the threshold, the Dialpeers that are used by this Gateway will be excluded from the routing in case of usage of routing plan with ACD&ASR control.
- Asr limit
ASR threshold. If ASR for gateway traffic is below the threshold, the Dialpeers that are used by this Gateway will be excluded from the routing in case of usage of routing plan with ACD&ASR control.
- Short Calls limit
Threshold percentage of Short Calls. If the current value is below the threshold, the Dialpeers that are used by this Gateway will be excluded from the routing in case of usage of routing plan with ACD&ASR control.
SST attributes
SST is SIP session timers
- SST Enabled
Force to use SIP Session Timers, otherwise SST usage will be controlled by signaling of the remote gateway.
- SST Session Expires
Default value (in seconds) of Expires header for SIP session timers mechanism.
- SST Minimum timer
Minimum value (in seconds) of SIP Session Timer that will be accepted by Yeti.
- SST Maximum timer
Maximum value (in seconds) of SIP Session Timer that will be accepted by Yeti.
- Session refresh method
Invite - re-INVITE request will be used for a periodic refresh of SIP sessions.
Update Request - UPDATE request will be used for a periodic refresh of SIP sessions.
Update Request and Invite if unsupported - UPDATE request will be used for a periodic refresh of SIP sessions only in case of supporting UPDATE by remote side (it is included into Allow header), otherwise re-INVITE request will be used.
- SST Accept501
If it is enabled Yeti won’t terminate a call in case of receiving “501 Not Implemented” on the answer on UPDATE request, otherwise call will be terminated in case of receiving “501 Not Implemented” from remote side.
Read more: RFC 4028 Session Timers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Sensor attributes
- Sensor level
Traffic mirroring mode. Possible values:
Signaling + RTP
- Sensor
Sensor to mirror traffic. Mirroring is disabled if not set.
Signaling attributes
- Relay options
Transparent relay of In-dialog OPTIONS between call legs.
- Relay reinvite
Transparent relay of In-dialog re-INVITE between call legs.
- Relay hold
Transparent relay of In-dialog re-INVITE with hold/unhold requests between call legs.
- Relay PRACK
Transparent relay of In-dialog PRACK between call legs.
- Rel100 mode
Reliability of Provisional Responses mechanism mode. Read more in RFC 3262. Possible values:
- Disabled
Reply with 420 Bad Extension if 100rel required and ignore it if supported in incoming INVITE.
Ignore 100rel related headers.
- Supported
Add 100rel to Supported header for outgoing INVITE requests.
Process extension related things according to RFC 3262.
- Supported not announced
Doesn’t add 100rel to any header for outgoing INVITE requests, but enables 100rel processing if reply contains 100rel in Require header.
Process extension related things according to RFC 3262.
- Require
Add 100rel to Require header for outgoing INVITE requests.
Reply with 421 Extension Required if 100rel is not supported or required in incoming INVITE.
Hangup session if no Rseq in incoming reply.
Process extension related things according to RFC 3262.
Ignored - Completely ignore any headers related to 100rel extension.
- Relay UPDATE
Transparent relay of SIP UPDATE between call legs.
- Transit headers from origination
Filter of headers in SIP requests which applies to originated calls. Look at headers filtering.
- Transit headers from termination
Filter of headers in SIP requests which applies to terminated calls. Look at headers filtering.
- Sip interface name
SEMS interface to use for SIP communications. It might be useful to force specific IP address for SIP transport.
See also
SEMS interfaces should be properly configured , see SEMS signaling interfaces configuration
Signaling (Origination) attributes
- Orig next hop
Network (IPv4 or IPv6) address or domain name that should be used as SIP next hop in case of using Gateway as Originator of calls. If this field doesn’t specified - SIP next hop will be defined automatically by routing rules.
- Orig append headers req
Additional SIP headers that Yeti should add to request to the Gateway (in case of using Gateway as Originator of calls). Additional header fields are lines composed of a header name, followed by a colon (:), followed by a header value, and separated by newline.
- Orig use outbound proxy
In case of enabling this checkbox Yeti will change destination of sending packets on Leg_A for initial SIP-requests to the address (URI) that is mentioned in the Orig outbound proxy field below.
- Orig force outbound proxy
In case of enabling this checkbox Yeti will change destination of sending packets on Leg_A for in-dialog SIP-requests to the address (URI) that is mentioned in the Orig outbound proxy field below.
- Orig proxy transport protocol
Transport protocol that is used for communication with Origination proxy.
- Orig outbound proxy
SIP URI of SIP proxy for Gateway (in case of using Gateway as Originator of calls).
- Transparent dialog
Not used yet.
- Dialog nat handling
In case of enabling this field Yeti learns the proper remote address (port, transport,…) from the received message and uses that in following in-dialog requests. Enable this option when handling far end NATs.
- Orig disconnect policy
Disconnect policiy that is related to this Origination’s attribute of the Gateway.
- Incoming auth username
Username for additional username/password authentication of incoming requests if required.
- Incoming auth password
Password for additional username/password authentication of incoming requests.
It is strongly recommended to use build-in random generator for both username and password. You should not use usernames that looks like phone numbers.
Incoming auth username and Incoming auth password will enable incoming INVITE and REGISTER requests username/password authentication procedure. INVITE request username/password authentication is additional step(after IP authentication) and it should be enabled in Customer Auth, see Require incoming auth. For REGISTER requests authentication applied automatically.
Signaling (Termination) attributes
- Transport protocol
Transport protocol that is used
- Host
IP address or DNS name of remote gateway to send SIP signaling (only for termination).
- Port
Port of remote gateway to send SIP signaling. Leave it empty to enable DNS SRV resolving of name in Host.
- Registered aor mode
Used for call termination to gateways with dynamic IP addresses. When enabled YETI sends call to R-URI received from remote UA(in Contact header) during registration procedure. For incoming REGISTER request authentication YETI uses credentials specified in Incoming auth username and Incoming auth password fields.
Supported modes:
Do not use - feature disabled. INVITE will be sent do static IP/DNS name defined in Host
Use AOR as is - INVITE R-URI will be set to Contact received during registration procedure.
Use AOR, replace userpart with dst number - INVITE R-URI will be set to Contact, but user-part will be replaced with destination number. This mode is useful when remote system send maintain single registration but expect to receive call to multiple DST numbers(in R-URI).
- Resolve ruri
Indicates necessity to rewrite R-URI domain part with resolved IP
for example: has IP and you set Host to
resolve ruri enabled => RURI will be user@
resolve ruri disabled => RURI will be
- Auth enabled
Enable authorization for outgoing calls when remote peer require it(using 401 or 407 SIP responses)
- Auth user
Username provided by remote peer.
- Auth password
Password provided by remote peer.
- Auth from user
Should be used for filling header “From” of SIP header during authorization (user part).
- Auth from domain
Should be used for filling header “From” of SIP header during authorization (domain part).
- Term use outbound proxy
Use outbound proxy for termination.
- Term force outbound proxy
Force usage of outbound proxy for termination.
- Term proxy transport protocol
Transport protocol that is used for communication with Termination proxy.
- Term outbound proxy
Outbound proxy address.
- Term next hop
Network (IPv4 or IPv6) address or domain name that should be used as SIP next hop in case of using Gateway as Terminator of calls. If this field doesn’t specified - SIP next hop will be defined automatically by routing rules.
- Term disconnect policy
Disconnect policy that is related to this Termination’s attribute of the Gateway.
- Term append headers req
Headers list to append to the INITIAL invite.
- Sdp alines filter type
Filter type to process alines in SDP. possible values: Transparent, Blacklist, Whitelist.
- Sdp alines filter list
SDP alines comma-separated list.
- Ringing timeout
Timeout between 18x and 200 OK responses. In case of timeout: routing attempt will be canceled and further processing (attempt to reroute or give up) depends from disconnect policy.
- Fake 180 timer
Allows to set up timer for 183 SIP messages with SDP. If there is no 183 message during this timer, SEMS would send 180 message forcibly.
- Allow 1xx without to tag
Allows behavior, which violates RFC, when YETI will process 1xx responses without To-tag.
- Max 30x redirects
Amount of 301/302 SIP redirects that are allowed by Yeti for this Gateway (in case of using Gateway as Terminator of calls). Calls won’t be redirected in case of filling this field by 0 (zero) value.
- Max transfers
Amount of SIP transfers(using REFER mechanism) that are allowed by Yeti for this Gateway (in case of using Gateway as Terminator of calls). Calls won’t be transferred in case of filling this field by 0 (zero) value.
- Sip timer B
Overwrites the value of SIP timer B (transaction timeout). Call can be rerouted if this allowed by disconnect policy configuration.
- Dns srv failover timer
SIP timer M (INVITE retransmit) override. Must have value less than timer B. Call can be rerouted if this allowed by disconnect policy configuration.
- Suppress early media
Allows to send 180 Ringing message without SDP to LegA when received 180/183 with SDP from LegB of gateway.
- Send lnp information
If enabled (in case of using Gateway as Terminator of calls) Yeti will include Local number portability information (LNP) to the outgoing INVITE-request (by adding npdi and rn parameters to the R-URI) only in case of availability of this LNP information (it means if LNP information was successfully received from LNP Database). Rules of receiving LNP information from LNP Database are regulated in the Routing plan LNP rules.
Translations attributes
- Privacy mode
- Termination SRC Numberlist
- Termination DST Numberlist
- Diversion send mode
- Diversion domain
- Diversion rewrite rule
Regular expression pattern for Diversion. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Diversion rewrite result
Regular expression replacement for Diversion. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- PAI Send mode
Mode of P-Asserted-Identity header transmission to termination gateway. Available options:
Do not send - Do not send P-Asserted-Identity header
Build TEL URI from Source Number - Generate P-Asserted-Identity as tel URI header using Source number as user-part.
Build SIP URI from Source Number - Generate P-Asserted-Identity as sip URI header using Source number as user-part. PAI Domain should be defined.
Build SIP URI from Source Number with user=phone - Generate P-Asserted-Identity as sip URI with user=phone paramerer using Source number as user-part. PAI Domain should be defined.
Relay PAI/PPI as is - Relay P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity headers from call legA.
- Relay PAI/PPI as TEL uri
Build P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity as tel URI based on P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity received from call legA.
Experimental feature. Disabled by default.
- Relay PAI/PPI as SIP uri
Build P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity as sip URI based on P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity received from call legA. If PAI and PPI headers received on legA have sip URI format, domain will be preserved. Otherwise PAI Domain will be used.
Experimental feature. Disabled by default.
- Relay PAI/PPI as SIP uri. Replace domain
Build P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity as sip URI based on P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity received from call legA. Domain part will be replaced with PAI Domain value.
Experimental feature. Disabled by default.
Modes that relays headers from call legA also require proper PAI Policy configuration at CustomersAuth object. P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity values sent to termination gateway will be saved in CDR attributes PAI Out and PPI OUT
- PAI Domain
Domain part of P-Asserted-Identity and P-Preferred-Identity headers generated by PAI Send mode logic.
- Src name rewrite rule
Regular expression pattern for From display-name part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Src name rewrite result
Regular expression replacement for From display-name part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Src rewrite rule
Regular expression pattern for From user part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Src rewrite result
Regular expression replacement for From user part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Dst rewrite rule
Regular expression pattern for To and RURI user part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- Dst rewrite result
Regular expression replacement for To and RURI user part. See how to use POSIX Regular Expressions in Yeti.
- To rewrite rule
- To rewrite result
Media attributes
- Sdp c location
Location of connection-line(c-line) in SDP payloads which are generated by YETI. Possible values:
On media level
On session level
On session and media level
- Codec group
Codecs group which will be used to interact with this gateway.
- Anonymize sdp
Anonymize client’s SDP session data ( session name, uri, origin user ).
- Proxy media
Determines RTP processing mode. Must be enabled to have possibility of transcoding.
- Single codec in 200ok
If enabled, YETI will leave only once codec in responses with SDP (Exception is only telephone-event. It will be added anyway if received in SDP offer and present in codecs group for this gateway).
- Force symmetric rtp
Ignore remote address negotiated in SDP. Use address gained from first received RTP/RTCP packet.
- Symmetric rtp nonstop
By default, YETI allows to change address by symmetric RTP only one time. This option allows to disable this limitation. If enabled, YETI will change destination address every time when receives RTP/RTCP packet from another source.
- Symmetric rtp ignore rtcp
Do not learn remote RTP address from incoming RTCP packets.
- Rtp ping
Useful for cases when gateways with enabled symmetric RTP wait for first packet before start sending, but gateway on other side doing the same. If enabled, YETI will send fake RTP packet to the gateway right after stream initialization.
- Rtp timeout
If set, call will be dropped with appropriate disconnect reason in CDR if no RTP arrived during this interval.
- Filter noaudio streams
Cut all streams except of ‘audio’ from SDP in INVITE to the termination gateway. Appropriate non-audio streams will be automatically inserted as disabled (port set to zero) into responses to the gateway which sent offer to comply with RFC. Useful for gateways which processes multiple streams in SDP incorrectly or/and rejects INVITES with non-audio streams.
- Rtp relay timestamp aligning
Normalize timestamp for RTP packets on RTP relay. Useful for cases on RTP relay when remote side changes RTP streams without appropriate signaling (RTP mark or/and re-INVITE) and destination equipment is not ready to process such behavior correctly.
- Rtp force relay CN
If enabled, YETI will relay Comfort Noise packets on even if they were not negotiated in SDP.
- Force one way early media
If this checkbox is enabled Early Media (the ability of two SIP User Agents to communicate before a SIP call is actually established) will be blocked on the way from LegA (Originator) to LegB (Terminator) of the call. It helps to prevent fraud with using Early Media features for making non-billed calls.
- Rtp interface name
Allows to force Media interface that will process RTP traffic from/to gateway. Interface with such name should be defined at SEMS configuration
- Media encryption mode
Defines RTP encryption mechanism, possible values:
Disable - Plain RTP will be used(no encryption)
SRTP SDES - SRTP with SDES key negotiation mechanism. In this mode SRTP keys will be sent in SIP SDP payload so it is important to secure SIP signalling by TLS or other secure transport.
SRTP DTLS - SRTP with DTLS key negotiation mechanism. DTLS is RTP inband mechanism and it doesn’t require secured SIP signalling.
SRTP ZRTP - SRTP with ZRTP key negotiation mechanism. ZRTP is not standard but sill widely used.
See also
SEMS should be properly configured to support SRTP, see SEMS media interfaces configuration
- RTP Acl:
List for networks where RTP receiving allowed from. Example:,
DTMF attributes
DTMF data-path displayed on diagram:
graph LR gw1[Remote Peer 1] gw2[Remote Peer 2] gw1 -->|SIP| sip-session1 sip-session2 -->|SIP| gw2 gw1 -->|RTP| media-session1 media-session2 -->|RTP| gw2 media-session1 -->|RTPEvent| dtmf-relay1 dtmf-relay1 -->|RTPEvent| media-session2 media-session1 -->|RTP| dtmf-filter1 media-session1 -->|RTPEvent| dtmf-processor1 media-session1 -->|Inband DTMF| dtmf-processor1 sip-session1 -->|SIP INFO| dtmf-processor1 dtmf-processor2 -->|SIP INFO| sip-session2 dtmf-processor2 -->|RTPEvent| media-session2 dtmf-processor1 -->|Events| dtmf-processor2 dtmf-filter1 -->|RTP| dtmf-filter2 dtmf-filter2 -->|RTP| media-session2 subgraph yeti[Yeti SBC] subgraph gw1-conf[Gateway 1 configuration] sip-session1 media-session1 dtmf-processor1[DTMF receiver<br>Controlled by **gw1.dtmf_receive_mode**] dtmf-filter1[DTMF filter<br>Controlled by **gw1.RX_inband_dtmf_filtering_mode**] dtmf-relay1[DTMF relay<br> fastpath controlled by **gw1.force_dtmf_relay**] end subgraph gw2-conf[Gateway 2 configuration] sip-session2 media-session2 dtmf-processor2[DTMF sender<br>Controlled by **gw2.dtmf_send_mode**] dtmf-filter2[DTMF filter<br>Controlled by **gw2.TX_inband_dtmf_filtering_mode**] end end
This diagram is not represent internal processing implementation. This is just explanation of DTMF-related behavior of Yeti-Switch depends on gateway configuration.
To receive/send DTMF using RTPEvent mechanism appropriate payload type should be negotiated first.
Ensure telephone-event payload present in codec group.
Ensure telephone-event payload correctly negotiated with remote gateway after SDP offer/answer procedure.
- Force dtmf relay
Relay telephone-event (RFC2833) packets ‘as is’ to other leg. DTMF relay mechanism is deprecated and should not be used.
- Dtmf send mode
The way to send dtmf to remote gateway. possible values:
Disable sending
RFC 2833 (telephone-event)
SIP INFO application/dtmf-relay - Send SIP INFO requests with Content-Type: application/dtmf-relay
SIP INFO application/dtmf - Send SIP INFO requests with Content-Type: application/dtmf
- Dtmf receive mode
Allowed ways to receive DTMF from remote gateway. If the way is not allowed it will be ignored. Possible values:
RFC 2833 (telephone-event)
SIP INFO application/dtmf-relay OR application/dtmf
Inband OR RFC 2833
- Rx inband dtmf filtering mode
Could be used for to remove inband DTMF signals (DTMF audio tones in the RTP stream) in the incoming RTP-flow that is received from this gateway. Could have following values:
Inherit configuration from other call’s leg - Tx inband dtmf filtering mode value from the gateway that is associated with other call leg will be used. F.e. for termination Gateway - value from origination Gateway will be used.
Disable - DTMF signals will be ignored and will be forwarded as is.
Remove DTMF - DTMF signals will be replaced by “silence” signal in the incoming RTP-flow that is received from this gateway.
- Tx inband dtmf filtering mode
Could be used for setting mode of processing of the inband DTMF signals (DTMF audio tones in the RTP stream) in the outgoing RTP-flow that will be sent to this Gateway. Could have following values:
Inherit configuration from other call’s leg - Rx inband dtmf filtering mode value from the gateway that is associated with other call leg will be used. F.e. for termination Gateway - value from origination Gateway will be used.
Disable - DTMF signals will be ignored and will be forwarded as is.
Remove DTMF - DTMF signals will be replaced by “silence” signal in the outgoing RTP-flow that will be sent to this Gateway.
Rx/Tx inband dtmf filtering features are useful when it necessary to remove DTMF transmission, or when remote Gateway sends DTMF to both inband and as RTP-event simultaneously. Enabling the corresponding function will remove duplicate information from inband.
Rx/Tx inband dtmf filtering affects CPU utilization and should not be enabled with care.
Radius attributes
- Radius accounting profile
Radius accounting profile that is related to this Gateway. When profile attached to gateway, accounting data related to call leg will be sent to RADIUS server.
STIR/SHAKEN attributes
STIR/SHAKEN behavior when gateway used for call termination. Possible values:
Disable - Do not process incoming Identity header.
Relay valid identity or insert our identity(routing numbers) - if valid Identity received from legA - relay it, elseif stir/shaken certificate is defined - inject our own signature using dst_number_routing as dest tn
Relay valid identity or insert our identity(out numbers)- if valid Identity received from legA - relay it, elseif stir/shaken certificate is defined - inject our own signature using dst_number_out as dest tn
STIR/SHAKEN certificate to use for Identify signing.
STIR/SHAKEN mechanisms are experimental features and not enabled by default.