RADIUS Accounting Profiles
Yeti supports additional accounting of calls on external RADIUS server. RADIUS Accounting Profile describes communication with that server.
RADIUS Accounting Profile’s attributes:
- Id
Unique RADIUS Accounting Profile’s id.
- Name
Unique name of Accounting profile. Uses for informational purposes and doesn’t affect system behavior.
- Server
IP address or hostname of external RADIUS server.
- Port
UDP port on which RADIUS server wait for requests.
- Secret
Password for Authorization procedure on external RADIUS server.
- Timeout
Timeout of request after which a request will be repeated (millisecond).
- Attempts
Maximum amount of of requests for every call.
- Enable start accounting
If enabled, YETI will send Start-accounting packets to external RADIUS server.
- Enable interim accounting
If enabled, YETI will send Interim-accounting packets to external RADIUS server.
- Interim accounting interval
Send Interim packets to external RADIUS server every interval seconds.
- Enable stop accounting
If enabled, YETI will send Stop-accounting packets to external RADIUS server.
- Start packet attributes
RADIUS Attributes for including specific authentication, authorization, information and configuration details into Start-accounting packets. Description of fields, principles of their filling and description of placeholders that can be used as variables in the value filed are described in the Auth profile attributes section.
- Interim packet attributes
RADIUS Attributes for including specific authentication, authorization, information and configuration details into Interim packet attributes. Description of fields, principles of their filling and description of placeholders that can be used as variables in the value filed are described in the Auth profile attributes section.
- Stop packet attributes
RADIUS Attributes for including specific authentication, authorization, information and configuration details into Stop packet attributes. Description of fields, principles of their filling and description of placeholders that can be used as variables in the value filed are described in the Auth profile attributes section.