Origin based billing
In this Chapter we’ll improve configuration that is described in Chapter 3 above by adding origin based billing.
In our example Vendor 2(who providing route to 38048705 prefix) also want to accept international calls from France(country core 33) with price $1.5 per minute. We are going to sell such traffic(from France to 38048705 prefix) for $2.5 per minute to customer.
graph LR gw1[Customer gw</br> IP] gw2[Vendor gw</br>IP] gw3[Vendor2 gw</br>IP] subgraph yeti[Yeti SBC] subgraph RoutingTagDetectionRules rtd380[No rule found.</br>do nothing] rtd33[dst_prefix: <b>380</b></br>src_prefix: <b>33</b></br>append tag <b>France_to_UA</b>] end subgraph Rateplan destination380[Destination</br>prefix: 380</br><b>not tagged</b></br>rate:1.5] destination38048705[Destination</br>prefix: 38048705</br><b>not tagged</b></br>rate:1.0] destination38048705_france[Destination</br>prefix: 38048705</br>tag: <b>France_to_UA</b></br>rate:2.5] end subgraph RoutingPlan dialpeer380[Dialpeer</br>prefix: 380</br><b>not tagged</b></br>rate:1.0] dialpeer38048[Dialpeer</br>prefix: 38048</br><b>not tagged</b></br>rate:0.5] dialpeer38048705[Dialpeer</br>prefix: 38048705</br><b>not tagged</b></br>rate:0.5] dialpeer38048705_france[Dialpeer</br>prefix: 38048705</br>tag: <b>France_to_UA</b></br>rate:1.5] end end gw1 -->|Call to <b>380</b>662296132</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $1.5/minute| rtd380 rtd380 -->|no tags| destination380 destination380 -->|no tags| dialpeer380 dialpeer380 -->|Call to <b>380</b>662296132</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $1.0/minute| gw2 gw1 -->|Call to <b>38048</b>7050321</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $1.5/minute| rtd380 rtd380 -->|no tags| destination380 destination380 -->|no tags| dialpeer38048 dialpeer38048 -->|Call to <b>38048</b>7050321</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $0.5/minute| gw2 gw1 -->|Call to <b>38048705</b>0321</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $1.0/minute| rtd380 rtd380 -->|no tags| destination38048705 destination38048705 -->|no tags| dialpeer38048705 dialpeer38048705 -->|Call to <b>38048705</b>0321</br>from <b>380</b>971122338</br>rate $0.5/minute| gw3 gw1 -->|Call to <b>38048705</b>0321</br>from <b>33</b>109758351</br>rate $2.5/minute| rtd33 rtd33 -->|tag France_to_UA| destination38048705_france destination38048705_france -->|tag France_to_UA| dialpeer38048705_france dialpeer38048705_france -->|Call to <b>38048705</b>0321</br>from 380</br>rate $1.5/minute| gw3 linkStyle 0 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:green; linkStyle 1 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:green; linkStyle 2 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:green; linkStyle 3 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:green; linkStyle 4 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:blue; linkStyle 5 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:blue; linkStyle 6 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:blue; linkStyle 7 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:blue; linkStyle 8 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:violet; linkStyle 9 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:violet; linkStyle 10 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:violet; linkStyle 11 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:violet; linkStyle 12 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:orange; linkStyle 13 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:orange; linkStyle 14 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:orange; linkStyle 15 stroke-width:2px,fill:none,stroke:orange;
Orange line represent call routing logic for calls with France CLI to destination network 38048705.
1. Adding Areas and Area Prefixes
At the first step it is necessary to configure:
two Areas (one for France and one for Ukraine);
Object to create |
Attributes |
Area |
Area |
two Area prefixes that should be associated with Areas above.
Object to create |
Attributes |
Area Prefix |
Area Prefix |
2. Adding Routing Tag and Routing Tag Detection Rule
At the second step it is necessary to configure:
Routing Tag to mark calls from France to Ukraine
Object to create |
Attributes |
Routing Tag |
Routing Tag detection Rule to append routing tag to calls from France to Ukraine
Object to create |
Attributes |
Routing Tag detection Rule |
3. Adding Destination
At the third step we’ll configure additional Destination to charge customer traffic tagged as France_to_UA with different price.
Object to create |
Attributes |
Destination |
4. Adding Dialpeer
At the fourth step we’ll add Dialpeer to properly calculate price we have to pay to vendor for traffic from France
Object to create |
Attributes |
Dialpeer |
5. Test the call
For the call testing it is necessary to fill Routing Simulation form and to press Simulate routing button.
Field name
Remote ip
Remote port
Src number
Dst number
As a result two records will be shown, where the first record is an actual record of Call Profile that will be send to the Yeti/SEMS node for making call. This Call Profile uses newly created Destination as a basis for Customer’s billing. Full log of call processing also will be shown under the resulting records.