Routing Plans
Routing Plans are used for describing common parameters that can be applied for set of Dialpeers that are specified by Routing Groups.
Routing Plan’s attributes:
- Id
Unique Routing Plan’s id.
- Name
Unique Routing Plan name.
- Sorting
This field is used for setting sorting method for the routes (Dialpeers) within Routing Plan. Regardless from the sorting method all Dialpeers within Routing Plan will be filtered by using following rules:
Prefix of Dialpeer record is in the prefix range of URI name (destination) that was processed by Number translations procedures (if any);
Length of URI name (destination) that was processed by Number translations procedures (if any) is between Dst number min and max length values of Dialpeer record;
Dst number min length of Dialpeer record = 3 ; Dst number max length of Dialpeer record = 15 ; URI name = 380662296132 => TRUE
Dst number min length of Dialpeer record = 7 ; Dst number max length of Dialpeer record = 7 ; URI name = 7050460 => TRUE
Dst number min length of Dialpeer record = 0 ; Dst number max length of Dialpeer record = 7 ; URI name = 0487050460 => FALSE
Balance of Vendor’s Account (that was chosen for the Dialpeer) is less than Max balance value of this Account;
Contractor that was chosen for the Dialpeer is enabled and has type: Vendor;
Routing tags that were chosen for the call at the previous steps (Authentication, Numberlist processing etc.) and Routing tags that were chosen in the field Routing tag ids of Dialpeer are matched to each other. Principles of the Routing tags matching are described in this Example (Truth table for tags).
The following algorithms (sorting methods) are available:
LCR, No ACD&ASR control - Sorting only on the basis of least-cost routing (LCR) algorithm (routes with lowest price will be on the top of rating) without control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer.
Prio,LCR, ACD&ASR control - Sorting on the basis of internal Priority of Dialpeers with following sorting on the basis of least-cost routing (LCR) algorithm (routes with highest priorities will be on the top of rating, in case of same priorities LCR sorting will be used) with control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer (routes where values of these parameters are less than presetuped limits couldn’t be chosen for routing).
LCR,Prio, ACD&ASR control - Sorting on the basis of least-cost routing (LCR) algorithm with following sorting on the basis of internal Priority of Dialpeers (routes with lowest price will be on the top of rating, in case of same prices sorting on priorities will be used) with control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer (routes where values of these parameters are less than presetuped limits couldn’t be chosen for routing).
LCRD, Prio, ACD&ASR control - Sorting on the basis of modified least-cost routing (LCR) algorithm with following sorting on the basis of internal Priority of Dialpeers (routes with lowest price will be on the top of rating, in case of same prices sorting on priorities will be used) with control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer (routes where values of these parameters are less than presetuped limits couldn’t be chosen for routing). Difference of this algorithm from the classic LCR algorithm is on the using Rate Delta Max value during the sorting of Dialpeers by price. Dialpeers with prices that are different one from other less than Rate Delta Max value will be on one level of sorting by price and Priority will be used for building routing rating between them.
Route testing - This mode of sorting usually used for testing routes from different Vendors. In this mode you can use especial format of destination number: XX*YYYYYYYYYY, where XX - Vendor ID and YYYYYYYYYY - phone number. In this mode most preferred Dialpeer of Vendor with XX ID will be used for the routing.
QD-Static, LCR, ACD&ASR control - Sorting on the basis of modified internal Priority of Dialpeers with following sorting on the basis of least-cost routing (LCR) algorithm (routes with highest priorities will be on the top of rating, in case of same priorities LCR sorting will be used) with control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer (routes where values of these parameters are less than presetuped limits couldn’t be chosen for routing). In this method of sorting Priority of Dialpeers will be re-written by Priority of the Routing plan static route (if this static route is present in this Routing plan).
Static only, No ACD&ASR control - Sorting only on the basis of Priority of the Routing plan static route (if this static route is present in this Routing plan) without control of Acd Limit and Asr Limit parameters of Dialpeer. Routes with highest priorities will be on the top of rating. Routing will be done only in case of presence of Routing plan static route record and Dialpeer record that are related to this Routing plan.
- Use Lnp
If this flag is enabled to all calls with ported numbers that are associated with this Routing plan via Customer Auth record, will be applied local number portability procedure (receiving information from LNP Cache or sending request to LNP Database.
- Rate Delta Max
This value is used for LCRD, Prio, ACD&ASR control method of sorting. You should setup this value in case of using this method of sorting. Dialpeers with prices that are different one from other less than Rate Delta Max value will be on one level of sorting by price and Priority will be used for building routing rating between them.
- Routing Groups
Routing Groups that are related to this Routing Plan. The rules that are described in this Routing plan will be applied to all Dialpeers that are associated with chosen Routing Groups.