Bad routing

Bad routing report is used for monitoring failed attempts of the call’s routing (from the whole system or from the separate customer) during the short period of time (less than 1 Day).

Bad routing’s attributes:


Unique Bad routing’s id.

Time Interval

Period of time for selecting CDRs that will be used for creating this Bad routing report. Following intervals are available: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 1 Day.


Customer that is related to the calls (bad routing attempts) that will be used for selecting CDRs for this Bad routing report. Choose “Any” for selecting calls from all Customers.


Rateplan that was applied to the calls (bad routing attempts) that will be used for selecting CDRs for this Bad routing report. Choose “Any” for selecting calls for all Rateplans.

Routing Plan

Routing plan that was applied to the calls (bad routing attempts) that will be used for selecting CDRs for this Bad routing report. Choose “Any” for selecting calls for all Routing plans.

Internal Disconnect Code

Internal Disconnect code of termination the calls (bad routing attempts) that will be used for selecting CDRs for this Bad routing report. It is possible to use statement for this field (equals, greater than, less than).

Internal Disconnect Reason

Internal Disconnect Reason of termination the calls (bad routing attempts) that will be used for selecting CDRs for this Bad routing report. It is possible to use statement for this field (contains, equals, starts with, ends with).