Outgoing Registrations
Outgoing Registrations are used for monitoring of current status of outgoing SIP registrations on remote vendor’s or customer’s equipment.
Outgoing Registration’s filtering parameters:
Outgoing Registration’s properties:
- User
Username that is used for this Outgoing Registration (user part of RURI).
- Domain
Domain that is used for this Outgoing Registration (domain part of RURI).
- State
Current state of this Outgoing Registration. Following states are available: RegisterPending; RegisterActive;RegisterError; RegisterExpired; RegisterPostponed.
- Auth User
Authorization username that is used for this Outgoing Registration.
- Display Name
Display Name that is used for this Outgoing Registration (From display name part).
- Contact
Contact header that is used for this Outgoing Registration (in SIP-URI format).
- Proxy
Proxy that is used for this Outgoing Registration (if any).
- Expires
Registration expiration time for this Outgoing Registration.
- Expires Left
Time in seconds that is left before expiration for this Outgoing Registration.
- Node
Node (independent installation of YETI-SEMS) that is used for this Outgoing Registration.
- Last Error Code
Code of last error that was received for this Outgoing Registration.
- Last Error Initiator
Initiator of last error for this Outgoing Registration (remote or local).
- Last Error Reason
Reason of last error that was received for this Outgoing Registration.
- Last Request Time
Timestamp of last sending REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.
- Last Succ Req Time
Timestamp of last sending successful REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.
- Attempt
Current amount of attempts for sending REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.
- Max Attempts
Maximum amount of attempts for sending REGISTER request that is used for this Outgoing Registration.
- Retry Delay
Delay before sending a new REGISTER request to a registrar, when received error code or timeout occurred.