Outgoing Registrations

Outgoing Registrations are used for monitoring of current status of outgoing SIP registrations on remote vendor’s or customer’s equipment.

Outgoing Registration’s filtering parameters:


Node (independent installation of YETI-SEMS) that will be used for filtering Outgoing Registrations. In case of specification - only Outgoing Registrations from selected node will be shown. For monitoring Outgoing Registrations from all Nodes, please, choose “Any” in this field.

Outgoing Registration’s properties:


Username that is used for this Outgoing Registration (user part of RURI).


Domain that is used for this Outgoing Registration (domain part of RURI).


Current state of this Outgoing Registration. Following states are available: RegisterPending; RegisterActive;RegisterError; RegisterExpired; RegisterPostponed.

Auth User

Authorization username that is used for this Outgoing Registration.

Display Name

Display Name that is used for this Outgoing Registration (From display name part).


Contact header that is used for this Outgoing Registration (in SIP-URI format).


Proxy that is used for this Outgoing Registration (if any).


Registration expiration time for this Outgoing Registration.

Expires Left

Time in seconds that is left before expiration for this Outgoing Registration.


Node (independent installation of YETI-SEMS) that is used for this Outgoing Registration.

Last Error Code

Code of last error that was received for this Outgoing Registration.

Last Error Initiator

Initiator of last error for this Outgoing Registration (remote or local).

Last Error Reason

Reason of last error that was received for this Outgoing Registration.

Last Request Time

Timestamp of last sending REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.

Last Succ Req Time

Timestamp of last sending successful REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.


Current amount of attempts for sending REGISTER request for this Outgoing Registration.

Max Attempts

Maximum amount of attempts for sending REGISTER request that is used for this Outgoing Registration.

Retry Delay

Delay before sending a new REGISTER request to a registrar, when received error code or timeout occurred.