Disconnect Codes

Disconnect Codes are used for defining special actions for some SIP disconnect codes and for rewriting them (if necessary) during call routing for compatibility between different VoIP platforms.

Disconnect Code’s attributes:


Disconnect Code’s id.


Namespace that is related to this Disconnect Code. Following Namespaces are available: TM (traffic manager), RADIUS, TS (traffic switch), SIP.


Numeric SIP code for this Disconnect Code.


Textual Reason for this Disconnect Code.


In case of enabling of this field this Disconnect Code will be recognized by Yeti as successful.


In case of enabling of this field this Disconnect Code will be recognized by Yeti as successful only for calls with no zero length.

Stop hunting

In case of enabling of this field Yeti will not re-route call after receiving this Disconnect Code.

Pass reason to originator

In case of enabling of this field Yeti will transfer reason from termination Gateway to origination.

Rewrited code

If this field is not empty new numeric code from this field will be transfer to origination Gateway.

Rewrited reason

If this field is not empty new textual reason from this field will be transfer to origination Gateway.

Store cdr

In case of enabling of this field Yeti will store CDRs for calls that were terminated with this Disconnect Code.

Silently drop

In case of enabling of this field Yeti won’t answer anything to legA (origination Gateway) when Yeti’s routing procedure returned this Disconnect Code. This field is used only with TM (traffic manager) namespace and can be used for preventing fake authorization attempts from the network bots.