Audit Log
Audit Log contains records about all changes of objects within Yeti’s database that were initiated by user (via web-interface or via console) or by system. It is possible to use filters to select necessary records.
Log Record’s properties:
- Item type
Type of item (Contractor, Account, Gateway, Rateplan etc.) that was changed.
- Item ID EQ
Unique identifier of item.
- Event
Type of event that was occurred (create, update, destroy).
- Created At
Date and time of this record creation.
Unique identifier of transaction. Actions with same TXID are related to common transaction (operation).
- Who
Username for the records that are related to some Admin Users. You can use “WHODUNNIT” for filtering by ID from Admin Users table.
- IP
IP-address of user that was initiate operation that is related to this Audit Log record.