Auth Logs

Auth Logs are used for review authorization attempts that were fixed by Yeti.

See also

There is built-in tool to provide Auth Logs retention, see Data retention documentation.

Auth Logs’s attributes:


Unique Auth Logs’s id.

Request Time

Time when authorization attempt was made.


Gateway that was associated with authorization attempt.


Status of success (Yes) or failure (No) of this Auth Log record.


Numeric code with status of authorization attempt.


Textual status of authorization attempt that was sent to the remote host.

Internal Reason

Internal Reason of the result of authorization attempt (for example success - “Response matched” or failure - “User mismatch”).


URI of the host that is initiated authorization attempt. Format of this fields includes information about used network protocol, IP-address and network port.

Remote Socket

URI of the remote host (for example URI of Load Balancer) from that the authorization attempt was received. Format of this fields includes information about used network protocol, IP-address and network port.

Local Socket

IP-address and network port that were used by Yeti for receiving authorization attempt.


Point of Presence (PoPs) that was associated with authorization attempt.


Node that was associated with authorization attempt.


Username that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Value of the Realm parameter of Authorization SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.

Request Method

SIP request method that was used by remote host during authorization attempt.


“R-URI” field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.

From Uri

From field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.

To Uri

To field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Value of the Call id SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Value of the Nonce parameter in the SIP Proxy-Authentication header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Value of the Response parameter in the SIP Proxy-Authentication header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.

X Yeti Auth

Value of the custom SIP-header X-Yeti-Auth that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Value of SIP Diversion header that is received from remote host during authorization attempt.


P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) privacy field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


P-Preferred-Identity (PPI) privacy field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


SIP Privacy field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.


Remote Party ID field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.

Rpid Privacy

SIP RPID Privacy field of SIP header that was received from remote host during authorization attempt.