WEB interface installation

Server requirements:

  • amd64 architecture

  • Debian 9 Stretch distibution

  • at least 4GB of RAM

Packages installation

# apt update && apt install yeti-web nginx

Databases connection configuration

To configure databases connection parameters create /opt/yeti-web/config/database.yml file with the following content:

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  database: yeti
  pool: 5
  username: yeti
  password: somepassword
  schema_search_path: 'gui, public, switch, billing, class4, runtime_stats, sys, logs, data_import'
  port: 5432
  min_messages: notice

    adapter: postgresql
    encoding: unicode
    database: cdr
    pool: 5
    username: yeti
    password: somepassword
    schema_search_path: 'cdr, reports, billing'
    port: 5432
    min_messages: notice

Warning: you should specify correct addresses and credentials that were used in previous section

Databases data initialization

To initialize empty databases during initial installation:

# cd /opt/yeti-web
# su -s /bin/bash yeti-web
$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:structure:load db:migrate
$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:second_base:structure:load db:second_base:migrate
$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:seed

To upgrade databases to the latest version:

# cd /opt/yeti-web
# su -s /bin/bash yeti-web
$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:migrate
$ RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:second_base:migrate

Nginx configuration

For basic configuration remove default config and copy yeti-web.dist.nginx:

# rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
# cp /opt/yeti-web/config/yeti-web.dist.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/yeti
# nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
# service nginx restart


After successful configuration of databases you finally can run software using following commands:

# service yeti-web start
# service yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_billing start
# service yeti-delayed-job start

This will run web-interface and CDR processing workers


check if unicorn listens on local socket:

# netstat -lpn | grep unicorn
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 2535145 24728/unicorn.rb -E /tmp/yeti-unicorn.sock

check if nginx listens on correct TCP/IP addresses and ports:

# netstat -lpn | grep nginx
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23627/nginx
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23627/nginx

Log files to check for possible warnings/errors:

  • /var/log/yeti-admin.log

  • /var/log/yeti-cdr-billing.log

  • /opt/yeti-web/log/unicorn.stdout.log

  • /opt/yeti-web/log/unicorn.stderr.log

Try to open management interface in your favorite browser and login with default credentials:





Invoice PDF generation

If you need to generate invoices in PDF format, you have to install additional packages. It is accomplished via LibreOffice software, so our package just a wrapper for a LibreOffice installation.


This operation will install a lot of packages in your system!

# apt install yeti-libreoffice-headless

Make sure, that service is enabled for autostart

# systemctl enable yeti-libreoffice-headless

Run it

# systemctl start yeti-libreoffice-headless

LDAP Authentication

Yeti’s web-interface may use LDAP in order to authnticate users.

Copy configuration from example file

# cp /opt/yeti-web/config/ldap.yml.dist /opt/yeti-web/config/ldap.yml

and edit it

  host: yeti-host.com
  port: 389
  ssl: false
  attribute: uid
  base: ou=employees,dc=yeti,dc=com
  group_base: ou=groups,dc=yeti,dc=com
    - ["member", "cn=yeti,ou=groups,dc=yeti,dc=com"]
  • host - address of LDAP server

  • port - port of LDAP server

  • ssl - enable/disable SSL

  • attribute - name of attribute which contains user login

  • base - base DN where YETI will try find users

  • group_base - base DN where YETI will try find groups

  • required_groups - array of groups where user must present

  • member - attribute where group stored

  • cn=yeti,ou=groups,dc=yeti,dc=com - group

After editing file, restart YETI web interface

# systemctl restart yeti-web