Management server installation

Since version 1.6.3-175 we started to use central configuration server to store yeti module configuration for all nodes in cluster.

Packages installation

# apt update && apt install yeti-management

Configuration files


This file contains configuration for management daemon.

Set desired logging level and address to listen.

You can set multiple addresses separated by comma to listen on multiple interfaces.

Possible log_level values are: (1 - error, 2 - info, 3 - debug)

daemon {
  listen = {

  sctp {
        address = ""
        port = 4444

  http {
        address = ""
        port = 3000
  log_level = 2


This file contains configuration for all nodes. Each top-level section defines configuration for node of certain type (signaling is for traffic switch nodes). All top-level sections contains mandatory section globals which must have all possible values common for all nodes. Then there is named sections for each node_id which may contain values overriding ones set in global section.

Note: even if your node does not have any specific values you have to define empty section for this node anyway, otherwise management node will not provide configuration for node with this id.

Example of minimal configuration file for node with id 8

signalling {
  globals {
    yeti {
      pop_id = 4
      msg_logger_dir = /var/spool/sems/dump
      log_dir = /var/spool/sems/logdump
      routing {
        schema = switch16
        function = route_release
        init = init
        master_pool {
          host =
          port = 5432
          name = yeti
          user = yeti
          pass = yeti
          size = 4
          check_interval = 10
          max_exceptions = 0
        failover_to_slave = false
        slave_pool {
          host =
          port = 5432
          name = yeti
          user = yeti
          pass = yeti
          size = 4
          check_interval = 10
          max_exceptions = 0
        cache {
          enabled = false
          check_interval = 60
          buckets = 100000
      cdr {
       dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs
       completed_dir = /var/spool/sems/cdrs/completed
       pool_size = 2
       schema = switch
       function = writecdr
       master {
         host =
         port = 5432
         name = cdr
         user = cdr
         pass = cdr
       failover_to_slave = false
       slave {
         host =
         port = 5432
         name = cdr
         user = cdr
         pass = cdr
       failover_requeue = true
       failover_to_file = false
       serialize_dynamic_fields = true
       batch_size = 1
       batch_timeout = 5000
     resources {
       reject_on_error = false
       write {
         host =
         port = 6379
         size = 2
         timeout = 500
       read {
         host =
         port = 6379
         size = 2
         timeout = 1000
     registrations {
       check_interval = 5000
     rpc {
       calls_show_limit = 10000
  node 8 { }


You should define all Nodes that has been created at web interface by their IDs. See System->Nodes menu. SEMS node will refuse to start if corresponding node is not defined at system.cfg

Management server launch

Launch configured management server instance:

# service yeti-management start


Check file /var/log/yeti/yeti-management.log for daemon logs:

# tail -2 /var/log/yeti/yeti-management.log
Sep 12 12:54:47 evial yeti-management[25376]: [25376]
  info: server/src/yeti_mgmt_server.cpp:148: starting version 1.0.5
Sep 12 12:54:47 evial yeti-management[25376]: [25376]
  info: server/src/mgmt_server.cpp:123: listen on tcp://

Check listening port:

# netstat -lpn | grep yeti_management
4444 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 25376/yeti_manageme