Upgrade instructions

This instructions describe how to upgrade Yeti system from version 1.12 to version 1.13

Reconfigure repositories

Before start upgrade you have to reconfigure Debian repositories according to documentation

Upgrade OS

Upgrade Debian GNU/Linux to version 12.

Upgrade Postgresql instances

Upgrade routing and CDR databases instances from Postgresql 13 to Postgresql 16.

Upgrade yeti-web package

Upgrade and reconfigure yeti-web:

root@yeti:/# apt update
root@yeti:/# apt install yeti-web

Apply database migrations

root@yeti:/# cd /opt/yeti-web
root@yeti:/# su -s /bin/bash yeti-web
root@yeti:/opt/yeti-web# RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:migrate

Restart all components of yeti-web

root@yeti:/# systemctl restart yeti-web yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_billing yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_stats yeti-delayed-job yeti-scheduler

Upgrade SEMS

Upgrade your SEMS nodes to new version. Configuration files format was changed, See sems.conf for details.