Upgrade instructions

This instuctions describe how to upgrade Yeti system from version 1.10.13 to version 1.11.0. If you have any other Yeti version you should previously upgrade it to 1.10.3

Get know your postgresql cluster epoch

PGQ components of CDR database require cluster epoch increment. To get know your cluster epoch, connect to CDR postgresql database using psql and run:

cdr=# SELECT (txid_current() >> 32) as epoch;
(1 row)

See https://github.com/markokr/skytools/blob/master/doc/faq.txt#L50 for details

Shutdown CDR billing process and other pgq-processor consumers

# systemctl stop yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_billing
# systemctl stop yeti-delayed-job

Upgrade yeti-web package to 1.11.0

root@yeti:/# apt update
root@yeti:/# apt install yeti-web=1.11.0

Postgresql 13 installation

You should install postgresql-13 packages, as described at Routing database installation and CDR databases installation and create appropriate databases.

Run new instances of Postgresql(version 13)

New postgresql instances should run on different ports:

root@yeti-postgresql-9:~# pg_lsclusters
Ver Cluster Port Status Owner    Data directory                  Log file
11  cdr     5435 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/cdr     /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.4-cdr.log              <<< OLD CDR database
11  routing 5434 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/routing /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.4-routing.log          <<< OLD routing database
13  cdr     5437 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/cdr      /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-cdr.log               <<< NEW CDR database
13  routing 5436 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/routing  /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-routing.log           <<< NEW routing database

Stop CDR writing to old Postgresql CDR instances

To stop CDR writing change listen_address to ‘’(if your CDR db locaated not on same node as SEMS) at postgresql.conf Configuration for old postgresql instances and restart postgresql

Change epoch of new postgresql CDR instance

Shutdown new postgresql CDR cluster and change epoch:

# su - postgres
# /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/pg_resetwal -e 1 /var/lib/postgresql/13/cdr

Where 1 is increased epoch - it should be greater then epoch of old intance

See https://github.com/markokr/skytools/blob/master/doc/faq.txt#L50 for details

Start new postgresql CDD instance.

Copy data from old databases to new instances

You should dump your databases using pg_dump and then restore data to new instances:

root@yeti-postgresql:~# pg_dump -h -p 5434 -U yeti -O -x -F c -f yeti.dmp yeti
root@yeti-postgresql:~# pg_restore -h -p 5436 -U yeti -d yeti -e yeti.dmp
root@yeti-postgresql:~# pg_dump -h -p 5435 -U cdr -O -x -F c -f yeti.dmp yeti
root@yeti-postgresql:~# pg_restore -h -p 5437 -U cdr -d yeti -e yeti.dmp

Shutdown old databases and move new instances to their ports

Change port at postgresql.conf of each postgresql cluster to move new instances to old ports. Restart postgresql.

Apply migrations

root@yeti:/# cd /opt/yeti-web
root@yeti:/# su -s /bin/bash yeti-web
root@yeti:/opt/yeti-web# RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:migrate
root@yeti:/opt/yeti-web# RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle.sh exec rake db:second_base:migrate

Restart all components of yeti-web

root@yeti:/# systemctl restart yeti-web yeti-cdr-billing@cdr_billing yeti-delayed-job

Upgrade SEMS

Upgrade your SEMS nodes to new version. Configuration files format was changed, See sems.conf for details.