.. _user_profile: ============== User's profile ============== User's profile allows to review and edit details of :ref:`Admin User ` that is currently logged in. You can see following parameters of the user: - **id** - Unique User's id.; - **username** - Unique User's name.; - **email** - Unique User's id.; - **sing in count** - Current authorization sequence number; - **current sign in at** - Date & Time of current authorization; - **last sign in at** - Date & Time of the last authorization (before current); - **current sign in IP** - IP address from that the current authorization was made; - **last sign in IP** - IP address from that the last authorization (before current) was made; - **enabled** - Status of current user (always *Yes* if you can see this page); - **group** - *ROOT* for user that was created by Yeti by default and *ADMIN* for the users that were created from Yeti Web Interface. *ROOT* user could have access for editing other :ref:`Admin Users `; - **updated at** - Date & Time of the last updating of current User's profile; - **created at** - Date & Time of the creation of current User's profile; - **ssh key** - SSH key that is used for authentication (*Empty* - if SSH key doesn't used); - **visible columns** - **TODO**; - **per page** - Numbers of entities for different objects that will be shown in the Working Area during the listing; - **saved filters** - List of the permanent filters that were saved by user via enabling **Persist** checkbox in the top-right part of *Filters* section in different object-lists. For editing details of current :ref:`Admin User ` you should press button **Edit Admin User** in the top-right corner of the Working Area.