.. _contractors: Contractors ~~~~~~~~~~~ Contractor is a company which will interact with the system. Contractor may act as **Customer** - Use provided call termination service and **Vendor** - Provide call termination service. Same contractor can be either customer and vendor. **Contractor** has the following attributes: ```````````````````````````````````````````` .. _contractor_id: Id Unique contractor id. .. _contractor_name: Name Unique contractor name. Enabled Self-descriptive. If flag is off (contractor disabled) this contractor will not be used for routing and billing. .. _contractor_vendor: Vendor If enabled contractor can act as vendor and system may terminate calls to it. .. _contractor_customer: Customer If enabled contractor can act as customer and originate calls to the system. Description Optional description of the contractor. Address Optional contractor address. Phones List of phone numbers to contact with contractor. Smtp Connection Connection to the mail server which will be used to send mails, invoices and notifications (SMTP connection must be configured previously in *System->SMTP connections*) .. note:: Fields **Description**, **Address**, **Phones** are informational and not used in routing or billing logic.