.. :maxdepth: 2 ================= Module **di_log** ================= The **di_log** module provides a ring buffer logging facility which on request dumps the ring buffer contents either as result of the DI call or in a file on HD. dumping the ring buffer can be invoked via JSONRPC interface (for example remotely from the stats module). Ring buffer size and string length can be customized at compile time, see DILog.h. **di_log** module allows to run sems with logleve=3(debug) in production without significant performance loss. .. code-block:: c module "di_log" { loglevel = debug } loglevel (since sems-modules-base 1.54.0) min loglevel for messages to save. could be integer or text representation of the messages logging level. possible values: 0,error,1,warn,2,info,3,debug JSONRPC methods =============== **di_log** provides JSONRPC method **core.request.log.dump** to save ring buffer content on disk.