.. :maxdepth: 2 ========== Monitoring ========== Yeti switch have designed to be used in pair with `Prometheus `_ monitoring stack. Yeti-web ======== To enable yeti-web prometheus exporter change configuration in **yeti_web.yml**: .. code-block:: yaml prometheus: enabled: true host: localhost port: 8080 default_labels: host: yeti.example.com address IP address where exporter will listen port port to listen label label function allow to add custom labels to all metrics exposed by exporter. Label can be used multiple times Prometheus exporter require additional daemon to be started. To start and enable **yeti-prometheus** daemon run: .. code-block:: console root@yeti:/# systemctl start yeti-prometheus root@yeti:/# systemctl enable yeti-prometheus SEMS ==== See :ref:`SEMS prometheus module ` documentation for information how to enable SEMS prometheus exporter