.. :maxdepth: 2 ========================== CLI utility installation ========================== Server requirements: - OS Debian 8 or Debian 9 with amd64 architecture - Python 2.7 Packages installation --------------------- .. code-block:: console # apt update && apt install yeti-cli Configuration ---------------------------------- To configure yeti-cli parameters edit /etc/yeti/yeti-cli.yml file Create yeti-cli.yml file with the following content: .. code-block:: yaml nodes_url: 'http://localhost:6666/api/rest/system/nodes.json' authentificator_url: 'http://localhost:6666/api/rest/system/admin_users.json?q[ssh_key_present]=1' timeout: 5 default_node: 8 prompt_system_name: 'YETI' * **nodes_url** - url for getting nodes list on initial startup * **authentificator_url** - url for getting public keys via yeti-cli-authentificator * **timeout** - result waiting timeout * **default_node** - default node, to which we connect on start * **prompt_system_name** - Promt string You can override default config location via enviroment variable YETI_CMD_CFG_PATH Shell mode ------------- Also you can configure yeti-cli to work as shell. You openssh-server must support AuthorizedKeysCommand. Add next lines to sshd_config .. code-block::yaml AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/sbin/yeti-cli-authentificator AuthorizedKeysCommandUser console PermitUserEnvironment yes Reload ssh daemon .. code-block:: console # systemctl sshd reload